Thursday, 20 December 2012

Colourful Pies

Last week I needed a pie-chart for a drawing of the hair cycle. Pie-charts couldn’t be easier in Ai and once you have worked out that you need the white ‘direct selection’ tool rather than the black ‘selection’ tool to select individual slices, colouring them and creating patterns is straight forward too. The slices then behave like shapes. So here is a pie summarising my work this year which probably isn’t entirely accurate but it is pretty.
I found the leaves and stripes in the swatch library menu bottom left of the swatch panel. I have tried to find a way to make the stripes a different colour but haven’t been able to work it out yet. However, the spade, graduation cap and quill were easy; I dragged my drawings into the swatch panel to create new patterns. These patterns are transparent so I copied the pie segment and pasted in place first so that I could have a coloured background. The rainbow effect is created using the gradient tool and the holiday picture is created by copying the pie segment and placing it on top of a holiday snap and then creating a clipping mask.

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